Sexual Harassment





The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a safe school environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. The Board prohibits sexual harassment of students at school or at a school-sponsored or school-related activities. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who files a complaint, testifies, or otherwise participates in District complaint processes.


The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all District students receive age-appropriate instruction and information on sexual harassment. Such instruction and information shall include:

  1. what acts and behavior constitute sexual harassment, including the fact that sexual harassment could occur between people of the same sex and could involve sexual violence;
  2. a clear message that students do not have to endure sexual harassment;
  3. Encouragement to report observed instances of sexual harassment, even where the victim of the harassment has not complained;
  4. information about the District's procedure for investigating complaints and the person(s) to whom a report of sexual harassment should be made;
  5. information about the rights of students and parents/guardians to file a criminal complaint, as applicable.

Complaint Process

Any student who feels that he/she is being or has been sexually harassed on school grounds or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity (e.g., by a visiting athlete or coach) shall immediately contact his/her teacher or any other employee. An employee who receives such a complaint shall report it in accordance with administrative regulation.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that any complaints regarding sexual harassment are immediately investigated in accordance with administrative regulation. When the Superintendent or designee has determined that harassment has occurred, he/she shall take prompt, appropriate action to end the harassment and to address its effects on the victim.

Disciplinary Actions

Any student who engages in sexual harassment or sexual violence at school or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity is in violation of this policy and shall be subject to disciplinary action. For students in grades 4-12, disciplinary action may include suspension and/or expulsion, provided that, in imposing such discipline, the entire circumstances of the incident(s) shall be taken into account.

Confidentiality and Record-Keeping

All complaints and allegations of sexual harassment shall be kept confidential except as necessary to carry out the investigation or take other subsequent necessary action.

The Superintendent or designee shall maintain a record of all reported cases of sexual harassment to enable the District to monitor, address, and prevent repetitive harassing behavior in the schools.

Legal Reference:

Education Code

200-262.4 Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex

48900 Grounds for suspension or expulsion

48900.2 Additional grounds for suspension or expulsion; sexual harassment

48904 Liability of parent/guardian for willful student misconduct

48980 Notice at beginning of term

Civil Code

51.9 Liability for sexual harassment; business, service and professional relationships

1714.1 Liability of parents/guardians for willful misconduct of minor

United States Code, Title 20

1681-1688 Title IX, Discrimination

United States Code, Title 42

2000d-2000d-7 Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964

2000e-2000e-17 Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34

106.1-106.71 Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs

First Reading: 4/17/13

Governing Board Adoption: 5/8/13

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