


The Governing Board desires to provide a safe, supportive, and positive school environment conducive to student learning and to prepare students for responsible citizenship by fostering self-discipline and personal responsibility. The Board believes that high expectations for student behavior, use of effective school and classroom management strategies, and parent involvement can minimize the need for discipline.

The Superintendent or designee shall approve, for each school, a complement of effective, age-appropriate strategies for correcting student behavior. Such strategies may include, but are not limited to, conferences with students and their parents/guardians; use of study, guidance, or other intervention-related teams; enrollment in a program teaching pro-social behavior or anger management; and participation in a restorative justice program. Staff shall use preventative measures and positive conflict resolution techniques whenever possible. Disciplinary measures that may result in loss of instructional time or cause students to be disengaged from school, such as suspension and expulsion, shall be imposed only when required by law and when other means of correction have failed. (Education Code 48900.5)

Board policies and administrative regulations shall outline acceptable student conduct and provide the basis for sound disciplinary practices.

The administrative staff at each school may develop disciplinary rules to meet the school's particular needs. However, the rules shall be consistent with law, Board policy, and district regulations. The Board may review, at an open meeting, the approved school discipline rules for consistency with Board policy and state law. (Education Code 35291.5)

At all times, the safety of students and staff and the maintenance of an orderly school environment shall be priorities in determining appropriate discipline. When misconduct occurs, staff shall attempt to identify the causes of the student's behavior and implement appropriate discipline. When choosing between different disciplinary strategies, staff shall consider the effect of each option on the student's health and opportunity to learn.

Persistently disruptive students may be assigned to alternative programs or removed from school in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation.

Staff shall enforce disciplinary rules fairly, consistently, and in accordance with the district's nondiscrimination policies.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide professional development as necessary to assist staff in developing consistent classroom management skills, implementing effective disciplinary techniques, and establishing cooperative relationships with parents/guardians.

At the beginning of every school year, the Superintendent or designee shall report to the Board regarding disciplinary strategies used in each school in the immediately preceding school year and their effect on student learning in the school.

Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment shall not be used as a disciplinary measure against any student. Corporal punishment includes the willful infliction of, or willfully causing the infliction of, physical pain on a student. (Education Code 49001)

However, corporal punishment does not include any pain or discomfort suffered by a student as a result of his/her voluntary participation in an athletic or other recreational competition or activity. In addition, an employee's use of force that is reasonable and necessary to protect himself/herself, students, staff, or other persons, to prevent damage to property, or to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects within the control of the student is not corporal punishment. (Education Code 49001)

Legal Reference:

Education Code

32280-32288 School safety plans

35146 Closed sessions

35291 Rules

35291.5-35291.7 School-adopted discipline rules

37223 Weekend classes

44807.5 Restriction from recess

48900-48926 Suspension and expulsion

48980-48985 Notification of parent/guardian

49000-49001 Prohibition of corporal punishment

49330-49335 Injurious objects

Civil Code

1714.1 Parental liability for child's misconduct

Code of Regulations, Title 5

307 Participation in school activities until departure of bus

353 Detention after school

First Reading: 5/14/14

Governing Board Adoption: 6/11/14

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