

The Governing Board places a high priority on safety and on the prevention of student injury. Principals and staff are responsible for the conduct and safety of students from the time they come under school supervision until they leave school supervision, whether on school premises or not. The Superintendent or designee shall establish regulations and procedures as necessary to protect students from dangerous situations.

The Board recognizes that playgrounds present children with visible challenges that they may choose to take in order to test their skills and courage. Playground equipment shall be carefully selected and installed, so that while presenting such challenges, it minimizes accidents and presents no unseen hazards. Safety shall receive prime consideration whenever playgrounds are planned or upgraded.

The principal or designee shall ensure that playgrounds and other school facilities are regularly inspected, well maintained, and adequately supervised whenever in use by students during the school day or at school-sponsored activities. The principal or designee shall establish playground safety rules.

Legal Reference:
Education Code
17280-17315 Approvals (Field Act)
32000-32004 School safety: uniform fire signals
32020 School gates; entrances for emergency vehicles
32030-32034 School eye safety
32040 First aid equipment
32050 Hazing
38139 Missing children; posting of information
44807 Duty of teachers concerning conduct of pupils to hold them accountable for conduct to and from schools, on playgrounds, and during recess
44808 Exemption from liability when students are not on school property
44808.5 Permission for pupils to leave school grounds; notice (high school)
49068.5 Missing children; transfers
49341 Need for safety in school science laboratories
51202 Instruction in personal and public health and safety
Government Code
810-996.6 California Tort Claims Act, especially
815 Liability for injuries generally; immunity of public entity
835 Conditions of liability
4450-4458 Access to public buildings by physically handicapped persons
Health and Safety Code
115725-115750 Playground Equipment
115775-115800 Wooden Playground Safety
Penal Code
14200-14213 Violent crime information center
Public Resources Code
5411 Purchase of equipment usable by physically handicapped persons
Code of Regulations, Title 5
202 Exclusion of pupils with a contagious disease
5531 Supervision of social activities
5552 Playground supervision
5570 When school shall be open and teachers present
14103 Bus driver; authority over pupils
Code of Regulations, Title 24
4-314 Construction on school sites

First Reading: 5/24/01

Governing Board Adoption: 6/13/01

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