For the administration of medication to other students during school or school-related activities, the Superintendent or designee shall develop protocols which shall include options for allowing parents/guardians to administer medication to their childat school, designate other individuals to do so on theirbehalf, and, with the student'sauthorized health care provider's approval, request the district's permission for the studentto self-administer a medication or self-monitor and/or self-test for a medical condition. Such processes shall be implemented in a manner that preserves campus security, minimizes instructional interruptions, and promotes student safety and privacy.
The Superintendent or designee shall make epinephrine auto-injectors available at each school for providing emergency medical aid to any person suffering, or reasonably believed to be suffering, from an anaphylactic reaction. (Education Code 49414)
The Superintendent or designee shall make naloxone hydrochloride or another opioid antagonist available for emergency medical aid to any person suffering, or reasonably believed to be suffering, from an opioid overdose. (Education Code 49414.3)
Because of the conflict between state and federal law regarding the legality of medicinal cannabis, the Board prohibits the administration of medicinal cannabis to students on school grounds by parents/guardians or school personnel.
The Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with city and county emergency responders, including local public health administrators, to design procedures or measures for addressing an emergency such as a public disaster or epidemic.
Administration of Medication by School Personnel
When allowed by law, medication prescribed to a student by an authorized health care provider may be administered by a school nurse or, when a school nurse or other medically licensed person is unavailable and the physician has authorized administration of medication by unlicensed personnel for a particular student, by other designated school personnel with appropriate training. School nurses and other designated school personnel shall administer medications to students in accordance with law, Board policy, administrative regulation, and, as applicable, the written statement provided by the student's parent/guardian and authorized health care provider. Such personnel shall be afforded appropriate liability protection.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that school personnel designated to administer any medication receive appropriate training and, as necessary, retraining from qualified medical personnel before any medication is administered. At a minimum, the training shall cover how and when such medication should be administered, the recognition of symptoms and treatment, emergency follow-up procedures, and the proper documentation and storage of medication. Such trained, unlicensed designated school personnel shall be supervised by, and provided with immediate communication access to, a school nurse, physician, or other appropriate individual.
The Superintendent or designee shall maintain documentation of the training and ongoing supervision, as well as annual written verification of competency of other designated school personnel.
Governing Board Adoption: 10/18/2022