The Governing Board recognizes the importance of keeping accurate, comprehensive student records as required by law. Procedures for maintaining the confidentiality of student records shall be consistent with State and federal law.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish regulations governing the identification, description and security of student records, as well as timely access for authorized persons. These regulations shall ensure parental rights to review, inspect and copy student records and shall protect the student and the student's family from invasion of privacy.
The Superintendent or designee shall designate a certificated employee to serve as custodian of records, with responsibility for student records at the District level. At each school, the principal or a certificated designee shall act as custodian of records for students enrolled at that school. The custodian of records shall be responsible for implementing Board policy and administrative regulation regarding student records. (5 CCR 431)
Legal Reference:
Education Code
49061 Definitions of parent, pupil, record, etc.
49062 Maintenance and destruction of records
49063 Notification to parents of rights
49064 Log of persons requesting and receiving information
49069 Right to access
49070 Right to challenge, procedure for challenge
49071 Hearing panel/making determinations on challenged material
49072 Right to include statement or response
49075 Access by any person with written parental consent
49076 Access under judicial order-no parent consent
49077 Court order access
49078 Copy of record, court ordered
49073 Release of directory information
49074 Right to provide statistical data
First Reading: 5/24/01
Governing Board Adoption: 6/13/01