


The Governing Board expects students to progress through each grade level within one (1) school year. To accomplish this, instruction should accommodate the variety of ways that children learn and include strategies for addressing academic deficiencies when needed. Parent notification as to student progress shall occur in a timely manner.


Students shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and meeting the grade-level standards of expected student achievement.

Progress toward high school graduation shall be based on the student's ability to pass the courses necessary to earn the required number of credits and on his/her ability to pass the statewide high school exit examination.


When high academic achievement is evident, the Superintendent or designee may recommend a student for acceleration into a higher grade level. The student's maturity level, social and emotional growth, and essential factors shall be taken into consideration in making a determination to accelerate a student.


Students who should be retained and who are at risk of being retained in accordance with Board policy, administrative regulations, and legal mandates shall be identified as early as possible in the school year. Students shall be identified on the basis of grades and other indicators of academic achievement appropriate for specific grade levels.

When a student is recommended for retention or is identified as being at risk for retention, the Superintendent or designee shall provide opportunities for remedial instruction to assist the student in overcoming his/her academic deficiencies. Such opportunities may include, but are not limited to, tutorial programs, after-school programs, and/or summer school programs (if available).

A student with exceptional needs is eligible for differential promotional requirements when a duly seated Individualized Education Program team determines that the diagnosed hardship is sufficient to preclude that student from meeting the regular promotional requirements. Differential promotional requirements may then be specified in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) of any student enrolled in a special education program.

Decisions regarding the promotion or retention of English Learners require special considerations. With the passage of Proposition 227, State law now allows programs to be designed primarily to teach English learner pupils English first and academic content second. It is inappropriate to retain English Learners who have failed to meet academic standards in areas in which they have been provided only limited instruction.

The Student Study Team shall be responsible for the promotion/retention decision. The team shall consist of the student's teacher(s), administrator, one (1) other teacher who does not work with the student, the district psychologist, and an academic advisor (for grades 7 & 8). A student who has not met the described criteria above shall be retained unless the Student Study Team determines in writing that retention is not an appropriate intervention for the student's deficiencies. The written determination shall specify the reasons retention is not appropriate and include recommendations for interventions that, in the team's opinion, will assist the student in meeting the promotion criteria. If summer school is available as an option and if the team's recommended intervention is summer school, then the student's retention will be reassessed after completion of summer school. The summer school teacher's evaluation must be discussed with the team and the parent prior to any final decision.

The team's decision to promote or retain a student may be appealed consistent with Board policy, administrative regulations, and legal mandates. The burden shall be on the appealing party to show why the team's decision should be overruled.

Legal Reference:

Education Code
46300 Method of computing ADA
48011 Admission on completing kindergarten; grade placement of pupils coming from other districts
48070 Promotion and retention
48431.6 Required systematic review of students and grading
56345 Elements of individualized education plan
60850-60856 High School Exit Examination

First Reading: 4/13/11

Governing Board Adoption: 5/11/11

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