Age of Admission



The Governing Board encourages the enrollment and appropriate placement of all school-aged children in school. The Superintendent or designee shall inform parents/guardians of students entering a district school at any grade level about admission requirements and shall assist them with enrollment procedures.

The Superintendent or designee shall verify the student's age, residency, and any other admission criteria specified in law and in Board policies and administrative regulations.

The Superintendent or designee may admit to the ninth grade only those students who have graduated from eighth grade or who are recommended in writing by their eighth grade principal as capable of profiting from high school instructions.

Legal Reference:

Education Code
46600 Agreements for admission of pupils desiring interdistrict attendance
48000 Minimum age of admission (kindergarten)
48002 Evidence of minimum age required to enter kindergarten or first grade
48010 Minimum age of admission (first grade)
48011 Admission from kindergarten or other school; minimum age
48050-48053 Nonresidents
48200 Children between ages of 6 and 18 years (compulsory full-time education)
48211 Habits and disease
49076 Access to records by persons without written consent or under judicial order
49408 Information of use in emergencies

Health and Safety Code
3380-3390 Immunization against communicable diseases
3400-3409 Tuberculosis tests for pupils

Code of Regulations, Title 5
200 Promotion from kindergarten to first grade
201 Admission to high school

Code of Regulations, Title 17
6000-6075 School attendance immunization requirements

First Reading: 8/8/12

Governing Board Adoption: 9/12/12

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