The Governing Board recognizes the importance of hiring qualified temporary athletic team coaches for the District's sports program.
The Superintendent or designee shall establish qualification criteria for all athletic coaches in accordance with law and with District standards and priorities. These criteria shall ensure that all temporary coaches possess an appropriate level of competence, knowledge and skill.
Any certificated teacher employed by the District who applies for a position as a temporary athletic team coach and who satisfies the qualification criteria established for the position shall first be offered the position. (Education Code 44919)
By December 31, 2008, all District coaches, including volunteer coaches, shall have completed a coaching education program that meets the standards developed by the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF). Coaches shall bear the expense of the program. (Education Code 49032)
In addition, all coaches shall be subject to Board policy, administrative regulation and the codes of ethical conduct published by the State and the California Interscholastic Federation.
Volunteer Coaches
Volunteer athletic team coaches shall meet all the qualification criteria required of temporary athletic team coaches employed by the District.
Legal Reference:
Education Code
35179-35179.7 Interscholastic athletics
44010 Sex offense
44011 Controlled substance offense
44424 Conviction of a crime
44808 Liability when students are not on school property
44919 Classification of temporary employees
49030-49033 Performance-enhancing substances
Code of Regulations, Title 5
5531 Supervision of extracurricular activities of pupils
5590-5596 Duties of temporary athletic team coaches
Court Decisions
CTA v. Rialto Unified School District, (1997) 14 Cal. 4th 627
San Jose Teachers Association, CTA, NEA v. Barozzi, (1991) 230 Cal. App. 3d 1376
Management Resources:
CSBA Policy Briefs
Steroids and Students: What Boards Need to Know, July 2005
Web Sites
CSBA: http://www.csba.org
California Department of Education: http://www.cde.ca.gov
California Interscholastic Federation: http://www.cifstate.org
First Reading: 10/10/07
Governing Board Adoption: 11/14/07