Evaluation of Superintendent



The Governing Board shall evaluate the Superintendent annually. Each evaluation shall cover the period from July 1 to June 30. The Board will work with the Superintendent to establish an evaluation calendar, including completion dates for various stages of the evaluation process.

Through evaluation of the Superintendent, the Board shall strive to accomplish the following:

  1. Clarify for the Superintendent his/her role in the school system as seen by the Board.
  2. Clarify for all Board members their role and the role of the Superintendent based on his/her job description and the immediate priorities among his/her responsibilities as agreed upon by the Board and the Superintendent.
  3. Develop harmonious working relationships between the Board and Superintendent.
  4. Provide administrative leadership for the school system.

Performance Objectives
The Board shall develop, with the Superintendent, a set of performance objectives based on the needs of the school system. The Superintendent's performance shall be reviewed in accordance with these goals, at such times as specified in a written schedule for the evaluation and follow-up sessions.

Evaluation Process

  1. The Superintendent shall prepare for the Board a statement outlining the ways in which he/she feels his/her objectives have been meet.
  2. The Board shall review the Superintendent's statement and then employ the following to prepare their evaluation:
    1. A rating scale checklist shall be utilized to supplement the evaluation of performance objectives.
    2. Each Board member shall individually evaluate the performance of the Superintendent based upon the performance objectives. He/she may include written comments on areas of strengths and/or weaknesses of the Superintendent's performance, people management, job descriptions, application of Board policies, and instructions from the Board.
    3. Instructions from the Board shall be in the form of a written letter or written consensus statement signed by three (3) Board members.
    4. The Board President or designee shall prepare a compilation of the evaluations, with all written comments intact. The composite shall be shared with the Superintendent.
    5. At a subsequent date, the Board shall meet with the Superintendent to discuss the evaluation.
    6. The Board shall use the form entitled “Evaluation of Superintendent” for purposes of maintaining a written record.

Legal Reference:

Education Code
35020 Duties of employees fixed by governing board
35026 Employment of district superintendent by certain districts
35035 Additional powers and duties of superintendent

First Reading: 10/11/00

Governing Board Adoption: 11/8/00

(Former BP 2140, 2141 and 2142)

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