The Governing Board respects the public's right to information and recognizes that the media significantly influences the public's understanding of school issues and can greatly assist the District in informing the community about school programs and issues. Media representatives are welcome at all Board meetings and shall receive meeting announcements and agendas upon request.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop a plan for proactive communications with the media. The Superintendent or designee and principal or designee of each school may provide the media with information related to District programs and needs, student awards, school accomplishments and events of special interest. The District shall not release information which is private or confidential as identified by law and Board policy or administrative regulation.
Media representatives must check in and register with the principal or designee immediately upon entering any school building or grounds when school is in session.
Media representatives who wish to interview or photograph students at school are strongly encouraged to make prior arrangements with the principal so as to facilitate smooth operations, prevent delay, and preclude the possibility of disturbances on campus. This also allows the principal to arrange for interview times that will not interfere with the students' class attendance.
The District shall not impose restraints on students' rights to speak freely with media representatives at times which do not disrupt the educational program. At their discretion, parents/guardians may instruct their children not to communicate with media representatives.
Legal Reference:
Education Code
32210 Willful disturbance of public school or meeting
32211 Threatened disruption or interference with classes
32212 Classroom interruptions
35144 Special meetings
35145 Public meetings; posting of agenda
35145.5 Agenda; public participation
35146 Closed sessions
35160 Authority of governing boards
35172 Promotional activities
Penal Code
627-627.10 Access to school premises
Attorney General Opinions
95 Ops. Cal. Atty. Gen., 509 (1996)
Governing Board Adoption:6/22/22