


The Governing Board has a responsibility to continually reexamine District programs and practices to determine their effectiveness in serving all students. Review and evaluation procedures shall provide a mechanism for ensuring accountability to parents/guardians and the community.

To enable the Board to fulfill these responsibilities, the Superintendent or designee shall identify and/or develop appropriate measures to ensure accountability. These measures shall be integrated and consistent with the state's accountability system and may include, but not be limited to, measures to evaluate student achievement, parent/guardian involvement and other District goals.

The Superintendent or designee shall regularly report to the Board regarding progress towards the District's vision/direction and goals and the implementation of comprehensive plans.

Ongoing District processes, such as the Board's evaluation of the Superintendent, policy reviews, curriculum adoption, budget adoption and staff development program, shall also be used to support District progress towards achieving the vision/direction.

Opportunities for feedback from students, parents/guardians, staff and community members shall be made available as part of the District's review and evaluation process.

Evaluation results may be used as a basis for implementing programmatic changes, determining the need for additional support or assistance, awarding incentives or rewards, and establishing other performance-based consequences.

Evaluation results shall be reported to parents/guardians and the community.

Each July or as soon as results are released, the Board shall, at its next regularly scheduled meeting, discuss the results of each school's annual ranking on the statewide Academic Performance Index. (Education Code 52056)

Legal Reference:

Education Code
33127-33129 Standards and criteria for fiscal accountability
33400-33407 CDE evaluation of District programs
44660-44665 Evaluation of certificated employees
51041 Evaluation of the educational program
52050-52058 Public Schools Accountability Act

Code of Regulations, Title 5
15440-15466 Standards and criteria for fiscal accountability

First Reading: 10/11/00

Governing Board Adoption: 11/8/00

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