Safe Working Practices




The Governing Board recognizes the need to further reduce accidents and increase "Safety Awareness" in each employee. The Governing Board directs that the rules contained herein be followed by each employee of the school district. The District will provide all safety equipment needed to ensure the health, safety and well-being of its employees.

All maintenance workers, groundskeepers, custodians and substitute custodians shall wear safety shoes during their work day.

Safety glasses, face shields, goggles, head gear and ear protection are required when using or operating any motor driven equipment, (e.g., saws, grinders, mowers, forklifts, tractors, trimmers, edgers, etc.)

No shorts, cut-offs or tank tops are allowed at any time. All articles of clothing shall be appropriate for the task; no torn or loose clothing. Shirts must be worn at all times. If overshirts are worn, the sleeves shall be buttoned or the cuffs rolled up two to three (2-3) cuff lengths. Shirt fronts must be buttoned.

Legal Reference:

Education Code
32000 et seq. Safety: public and private institutions
32200 et seq. Safety: public institutions
Labor Code
6305 et seq. Occupational safety and health standards; special order

First Reading: 2/12/91
Governing Board Adoption: 3/12/91

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