The Governing Board will only admit students to our schools who have provided documentation of having received all required immunizations; all kindergarten and first grade first-time school entrants must have received the health assessment prescribed by State law before first attendance at school. This is to insure the safety of our students and to achieve the following goals:
a decreased likelihood of vaccine-preventable epidemics in schools;
avoidance of the need to exclude children from school for unfulfilled health requirements subsequent to initial enrollment;
an increased rate of student compliance with State law regarding immunization and physical examination (and consequent reduced risk of the loss of ADA funds to schools);
assurance that handicaps and diseases that may affect school performance are diagnosed and treated by the time of first school entry;
substantial savings of school clerical and nursing time by avoiding repeated notification and health record checking.
Parental waivers of immunization requirements will be honored if signed for reasons of religious or personal beliefs. Medical exemptions with a physician's statement will also be accepted. Children with such a waiver or physician's statement will be exempted from these provisions, except as otherwise provided by law, e.g., if exposed to the disease.
Legal Reference:
Education Code
49450-49457 Physical Examinations
Health & Safety Code
3380-3387, 3400-3407, 3480-3489
Title XVII Admin. Code, Chapter 4
First Reading: 5/24/01
Governing Board Adoption: 6/13/01
(Former 5816)