The Governing Board accepts responsibility for providing a means by which the public can hold employees accountable for their actions. The Board desires that complaints be resolved expeditiously without disrupting the educational process.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop regulations which permit the public to submit complaints against District employees in an appropriate way. These regulations shall protect the rights of involved parties. The Board may serve as an appeals body if the complaint is not resolved.
The Board prohibits retaliation against complainants. The Superintendent or designee, at his/her discretion, may keep a complainant's identity confidential, except to the extent necessary to investigate the complaint. The District will not investigate anonymous complaints unless it so desires.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Legal Reference:
Education Code
33308.1 Guidelines on procedure for filing child abuse complaints
35146 Closed sessions
44031 Personnel file contents and inspection
44811 Disruption of public school activities
44932-44949 Resignation, dismissal and leaves of absence (rights of employee; procedures to follow)
48987 Child abuse guidelines
Government Code
54957 Closed session; complaints re employees
54957.6 Closed session; salaries or fringe benefits
Penal Code
273 Cruelty or unjustifiable punishment of child
11164-11174.3 Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act
Welfare and Institutions Code
300 Minors subject to jurisdiction of juvenile court
Management Resources:
CDE Legal Advisories
0910.93 Guidelines for parents to report suspected child abuse by school district employees or other persons against a pupil at school site (LO:4-93)
First Reading: 10/10/07
Governing Board Adoption: 11/14/07
Updated with equal opportunity: 8/14/19