The Governing Board believes that it is important for parents/guardians and community members to take an active interest in the issues affecting district schools and students. Therefore, the Board encourages interested parents/guardians and community members to visit the schools and participate in the educational program.
(cf. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance)
(cf. 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities)
(cf. 6020 - Parent Involvement)
To ensure the safety of students and staff and minimize interruption of the instructional program, the Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures which facilitate visits during regular school days. Visits during school hours should be arranged with the principal or designee. When a visit involves a conference with a teacher or the principal, an appointment should be scheduled during noninstructional time.
(cf. 6116 - Classroom Interruptions)
All visitors must first check in and register with the principal or designee immediately upon entering any school building or grounds when school is in session.
(cf. 1112 - Media Relations)
The principal or designee may provide a visible means of identification for all individuals who are not students or staff members while on school premises.
No electronic listening or recording device may be used by any person in a classroom without the teacher's and principal's permission. (Education Code 51512)
The Board encourages all individuals to assist in maintaining a safe and secure school environment by behaving in an orderly manner while on school grounds and by utilizing the district's complaint processes if they have concerns with any district program or employee. In accordance with Penal Code 626.7, the principal or designee may request that any individual who is causing a disruption, including exhibiting volatile, hostile, aggressive, or offensive behavior, immediately leave school grounds.
(cf. 1312.1 - Complaints Concerning District Employees)
(cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials)
(cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures)
(cf. 1312.4 - Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures)
(cf. 3515.2 - Disruptions)
Presence of Sex Offender on Campus
Any person who is required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Penal Code 290, including a parent/guardian of a district student, shall request written permission from the principal before entering the school campus or grounds. As necessary, the principal shall consult with local law enforcement authorities before allowing the presence of any such person at school or other school activity. The principal also shall report to the Superintendent or designee anytime he/she gives such written permission.
The principal shall indicate on the written permission the date(s) and times for which permission has been granted. (Penal Code 626.81)
Legal Reference:
32210 Willful disturbance of public school or meeting
32211 Threatened disruption or interference with classes; misdemeanor
32212 Classroom interruptions
35160 Authority of governing boards
35292 Visits to schools (board members)
49091.10 Parental right to inspect instructional materials and observe school activities
51101 Parent Rights Act of 2002
51512 Prohibited use of electronic listening or recording device
1070 Refusal to disclose news source
230.8 Discharge or discrimination for taking time off to participate in child's educational activities
290 Sex offenders
626-626.10 Schools
626.81 Misdemeanor for registered sex offender to come onto school grounds
627-627.10 Access to school premises, especially:
627.1 Definitions
627.2 Necessity of registration by outsider
627.7 Misdemeanors; punishment
Reeves v. Rocklin Unified School District, (2003) 109 Cal.App.4th 652
95 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 509 (1996)
Governing Board Adoption: 6/22/22