The Governing Board realizes that the schools alone cannot meet children's complex individual needs. Parents/guardians, schools, local government, businesses, foundations and community-based organizations all must work together to assess needs, improve conditions for our community's youth, and ensure that the multiple services needed by children and families are coordinated so as to avoid gaps, duplication or delay.
The Board shall initiate or participate in collaborate relationships with community, county and Edwards Air Force Base leaders to develop local policies and provide effective multi-agency programs that respond to the needs of children and families.
The Superintendent and staff shall contact and cooperate with public and private agencies to ensure the availability and effective implementation of after-school, nutrition, health and other services for children. District staff shall have opportunities to learn collaborative skills that will enhance their participation in these efforts.
The Board shall regularly evaluate the progress of collaborative efforts and shall monitor District budget, facilities and personnel priorities for opportunities to promote community collaboration and youth services.
The Board shall advocate for local, state and national policies, legislation and programs designed to provide or better coordinate services for children and families.
The Governing Board recognizes that the prime responsibility of the District is the education of children. The Board, however, does encourage District employees to cooperate with other agencies that serve students.
Legal Reference:
Education Code
35160 Authority of governing boards
35160.1 Broad authority of school districts
58700-58702 Tutoring and homework assistance program
Welfare and Institutions Code
18961.5 Computerized data base; families at risk for child abuse; sharing of information; multidisciplinary teams
18986.2-18986.30 Interagency Children's Services Act, especially:
18986.11-18986.15 County interagency collaboration
18986.40-18986.46 Integrated children's services programs
First Reading: 10/11/00
Governing Board Adoption: 11/8/00