The Governing Board encourages District employees, students, parents/guardians and other members of the school community to develop school plans designed to meet the specific needs at individual school sites. The Board may approve or disapprove school plans as necessary in order to fulfill the District's mission, accomplish the Board's adopted goals and/or comply with legal requirements.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that schools desiring to participate in state-funded school-based programs establish and maintain a school site council. Such councils shall be responsible for the development, review and modification of school plans within their program area and for other duties as prescribed by law.
Legal Reference:
Education Code
52 Designation of secondary schools
53 Designation of high schools
8750-8754 Grants for Conservation Education
44520-44534 New Careers Program
44670.1-44671.5 School development plans
51870-51874 Education Technology
52000-52049 School Improvement Program
52176 Advisory committees
52200-52212 Gifted and Talented Education Program
52340-52346 California Regional Career Guidance Center
52800-52904 School-Based Program Coordination Act
54000-54041 Educationally Disadvantaged Youth Programs
54100-54145 Miller-Unruh Basic Reading Act
54425 Advisory committees (compensatory education)
54650-54659 Education Improvement Incentive Program
54720-54734 School-Based Pupil Motivation and Maintenance Program and Dropout Recovery Act
56000-56885 Special Education Programs
First Reading: 10/11/00
Governing Board Adoption: 11/8/00