Roles of Board Members



Code of Ethics for Board Members
A code of ethics is an expression of those personal ideals that should guide an individual's daily activities.

In all my actions as a Governing Board Member, my first commitment is to the well-being of our youth. My primary responsibility is to each child, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, religion, or national origin.

Understanding and accepting the foregoing premises:

  1. I shall consider my position as a Board Member as a public trust and not use it for private advantage or personal gain.

  2. I shall be constantly aware that I have no legal authority except when I am acting as a member of the Board. I understand that all actions of the Board require three (3) or more affirmative votes. I shall present my concerns and concepts through the process of the Board debate and, if in the minority on any decision, I shall abide by the majority decision. When I am in the majority, I shall respect divergent opinions.

  3. I shall encourage ideas and opinions from the citizens of the District and endeavor to incorporate their views in the deliberations and decisions of the Board.

  4. I shall devote sufficient time, thought and study to proposed actions to be able to base my decisions upon all available facts and vote my honest convictions, unswayed by partisan bias of any kind.

  5. I shall remember that the basic function of the Board is to establish the policies by which the schools of the District are to be administered and to select the Superintendent and staff who will implement those policies.

  6. I shall promote and participate actively in a concerned program of timely exchange of information with all citizens, parents, employees and students of the District.

  7. I shall recognize that the deliberations of the Board in closed session are not mine to release or discuss, and I will not discuss or release information to anyone who was not present during the discussion in closed session. They may be released or discussed only with the approval of the Board.

  8. I shall avail myself of opportunities for enlargement of my potential as a Board member through participation in educational conferences, workshops and training sessions made available by local, state and national agencies.

First Reading: 3/10/01

Governing Board Adoption: 4/11/01

(Former BP 9110)

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