


The President shall preside at all Governing Board meetings. He/she shall:

  1. call the meeting to order at the appointed time;

  2. announce the business to come before the Board in its proper order;

  3. enforce the Board's policies relating to the order of business and the conduct of meetings;

  4. recognize persons who desire to speak, and protect the speaker who has the floor from disturbance or interference;

  5. explain what the effect of a motion would be if it is not clear to every member;

  6. restrict discussion to the question when a motion is before the Board;

  7. rule on parliamentary procedure;

  8. put motions to a vote, and state clearly the results of the vote.

The President shall have all the rights of any member of the Board, including the right to move, second, discuss, and vote on all questions before the Board.

The Board President shall also perform other duties as directed by law, California Department of Education regulations, and the Board, including the duty to:

  1. sign all instruments, acts, and orders necessary to carry out state requirements and the will of the Board;

  2. consult with the Superintendent or designee on the preparation of the Board's agendas;

  3. appoint and disband all committees, subject to Board approval;

  4. call such meetings of the Board as he/she may deem necessary, giving notice as prescribed by law;

  5. confer with the Superintendent or designee on crucial matters that may occur between Board meetings;

  6. be responsible for the orderly conduct of all Board meetings;

  7. share informational mail with other Board members.

When the President resigns or is absent or disabled, the Clerk shall perform the President's duties. When both the President and Clerk are absent, the Board shall choose a President Pro tempore to perform the President's duties.

Legal Reference:
Education Code
35022 President of the board
35143 Annual organizational meetings; dates and notice
35144 Special meetings

First Reading: 3/10/01

Governing Board Adoption: 4/11/01

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