New Board Member Orientation



The Governing Board and the administrative staff shall assist each new member-elect to understand the Board's functions, policies, and procedures, and the general operation of the school system as quickly after election as possible. The following methods shall be used as a base for orientation, with such other materials and experiences upon which the President, Secretary, and the member-elect may agree:

  1. The incoming member will be given selected materials on the function of the Governing Board and the school system (e.g., "Boardmanship").

  2. The incoming member will be invited to attend Governing Board meetings which occur between election and the date the member takes office.

  3. The incoming member will be invited to meet with the Superintendent, Board President, and other administrative personnel to discuss services they perform for the Governing Board.

  4. The incoming member will be provided with a copy of the District's policy manual and other pertinent materials deemed helpful by the Superintendent.

  5. The incoming member may attend, at District expense, workshops for newly elected members.

  6. The incoming member will be invited to visit the school facilities.

Legal Reference:
Education Code
33360 Annual workshops
33362 Reimbursement of expenses; member of school district board

First Reading: 3/10/01

Governing Board Adoption: 4/11/01

(Former BP 9350)

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