


The Governing Board shall keep a record of its proceedings that shall be open to the inspection of the public. The minutes shall record all motions and resolutions, the names of members making and seconding the motion, and those for or against an item. All pertinent items discussed and actions taken by the Board shall be summarized.

The minutes shall be permanently filed and indexed for reference purposes. Reports requiring Board action, resolutions, agreements and other written documents may be made a part of the minutes by reference and if so made, shall be placed in the minutes file as a permanent District record.

Members of the Governing Board shall be provided copies of the unadopted minutes of each meeting in advance of the meeting at which they are to be approved. The minutes shall be signed by the Clerk attesting to their accuracy.

Use of Recording Devices
A video or audio tape recording of any meeting of the Governing Board, including executive sessions, may be made at the request of the Superintendent or any member of the Board when such request is approved by a majority of the whole Board. The presiding officer will announce the fact that a recording is being made at the beginning of the meeting, and the recording device shall be placed in plain view of the persons present so far as possible.

Recordings made during regular or special meetings of the Board are not deemed public record and will be used for administrative purposes only, then erased.

Legal Reference:
Education Code
35163 Official actions, minutes and journal

First Reading: 3/10/01

Governing Board Adoption: 4/11/01

(Former BP 9580 & 9581)

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