Legal Counsel



The Governing Board may appoint a legal counsel to perform any of the following duties:

  1. render legal advice to the Superintendent, Governing Board, and employees of the District;

  2. serve the Superintendent in the preparation and conduct of school district litigation and administrative proceedings;

  3. render advice on school bond and tax increase measures and prepare the necessary forms for the voting on these measures;

  4. other administrative duties as assigned by the Governing Board and Superintendent.

Services assigned to legal counsel by the Superintendent or Governing Board are not to be duplicated by County Counsel or the District Attorney during the time that such counsel is employed by the District.

Legal Reference:
Education Code
35041 Administrative adviser
35041.5 Legal counsel
35204 Contract with attorney in private practice or use of administrative adviser
35205 Contract for legal services
35206 Additional legal services by county counsel or district attorney
Government Code
814 et. seq. Liability of public entitles and public employees (in general)

First Reading: 3/10/01

Governing Board Adoption: 4/11/01

(Former BP 9730)

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