Organizational Charts/Lines of Responsibility



The general administrative organization of the District shall be single executive type of school administration with the Governing Board as the governing body and with all activities under the direction of the District Superintendent.

The organizational chart for the District shall be prepared by the Superintendent and approved by the Governing Board and shall designate clearly the relationships of all employees within the District organization.

Lines of direct authority shall be structured in the following manner:

  1. Responsibility shall flow from the Governing Board through the Superintendent, to administrators and supervisors. The flow shall continue:
    a. from the administrators to the teachers to the students;
    b. from the supervisors to all other classified personnel.
  2. Personnel shall be informed as to whom they are responsible, what their duties are, and to whom they go to for help in carrying out their job requirements in the District.
  3. Lines of authority shall not restrict in any way the cooperation of all staff members at all levels to develop the best possible school programs and services.

Legal Reference:

Education Code
35020 Duties of employees fixed by governing board

First Reading: 10/11/00

Governing Board Adoption: 11/8/00

(Former BP 2120 and 2121)

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